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Student Assistance Program (SAP)

The Student Assistance Program (SAP) is a team of professionally trained staff is available to deal with:

  • Concerns about suicide
  • Depression
  • Alcohol & related problems
  • Drug use & related problems
  • Anger/violence
  • Serious attendance problems

The Mission:

The Student Assistance Program is designed to provide a means for early identification, intervention, and referral for K-12 students who are considered “at risk.”

The Goals:

The Student Assistance Team works toward early identification of alcohol/drug abuse problems as well as behavioral and mental health concerns, including but not limited to, anxiety, depression or other issues. The overall goal is to identify and address these problems in a timely manner. The hope is to assist students in their personal growth while also fostering a successful school experience. The Team will assist in the following ways: 

  • By offering an intervention plan that may include a recommendation for further evaluation.
  • By sharing any results and recommendations with each student and his family.

The Program (How it Works):

If a parent, fellow student, faculty member, community person, or the student himself has a concern, a referral can be made by one of three ways:  

  1. The Online CV SAP Referral, which is linked directly to the CVHS webpage. 
  2. A SAP referral form can be filled out and dropped of in the referral boxes located at the school store and in the hallway near the main office.  Referral forms are available in the mainoffice, counseling office, or through any SAP team member. 
  3. Referrals can be made in person by discussing questions and concerns with any of the SAP team members listed below.

All referrals will be handled confidentially, following the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  When a referral is made, parental permission is needed to continue with the process and to conduct an evaluation. All school-based SAP evaluations are provided by Pennsylvania Counseling Services at no cost to the family. Once a referral is made, the team will collect data to aid in the identification of a potential problem. Based upon the results of the fact-finding, the team will then make a decision regarding intervention. Recommendations may include counseling, therapy or another form of treatment.  It is also possible that the SAP Team feels no action is necessary in a particular case.  A referral for further evaluation and/or in-school or out-of-school treatment programs may also be recommended. Referral for further evaluation and/or in-school or out-of-school treatment programs may be coordinated with the student and his family. All school-based SAP evaluations are provided by Pennsylvania Counseling Services at no cost to the family.

What SAP does not do:

The SAP team does not provide treatment or discipline a student. The SAP team does not proceed without the approval of a student’s parent/guardian.

The Team(s):

Each building has its own SAP team.

The SAP Team is comprised of a group of trained teachers, counselors, nurses, and administrators who strive to provide support to students “at risk.” If the Team is notified that a student’s education may be in jeopardy, they will intervene in an attempt to identify ongoing problems. The overall purpose is to assist students who may have been negatively affected by life situations.  Of note, the Team is not intended to provide treatment nor to discipline students. It is dedicated to helping students recognize potential dangers and to provide options for change and/or recovery. We believe in the right of the individual and his family to decide on their personal course of action. The team has successfully accomplished their mission when a student and his family have an awareness of a problem and recommendations have been given to assist the family to resolve the problem. The decision to seek that assistance rests with the student and his family.       

High School Team Members 

  • Carla DiClemente, Social Worker
  • Douglas Helsel, Counselor
  • Nancy Lopez, School Nurse                                                                                
  • Jill Stauffer, Counselor

Evaluations provided by:

  • Mimi Zimmerman, CVSD SAP Consultant
  • PA Counseling Services

Community Services

  • Crisis Intervention Center (24 hrs.) 394-2631
  • Family Services 397-5241
  • Children & Youth Social Services 299-7925
  • YMCA Sexual Assault Prevention & Counseling Services (24 hrs.) 392-7273
  • General Help Line (Sponsor: United Way) 291-LINC (5462)
  • Mental Health Assoc. of Lancaster 397-7461
  • Mental Health/Mental Retardation 393-0421
  • TEENLINE 394-2000

Related Files and Links


Confidential SAP Referral Form for students, parents, and school staff.

Compass Mark

Lancaster County's primary agency for resources on topics such as alcohol or other drug concerns, treatment, referrals and other help.

Pennsylvania Counseling Services

Pennsylvania Counseling Services provides counseling, therapy, addiction treatment and services for families and children in 10 counties in central Pennsylvania.

T.W. Ponessa & Associates (CVSD School-based Outpatient Therapy)

Ponessa's School-Based Counseling Intake Form (return to school counselor)

School-based counseling is provided as a convenience to families that may have difficulty transporting their child to out patient counseling services. TW Ponessa provides the counseling at the HS building in a private and confidential space. Billing and payments are worked out directly with Ponessa and the student’s insurance company. Students are given an appointment time during the school day to meet with the assigned therapist.